Carroten Australia

For over 35 years in the European market, Carroten have been the experts in tanning and sun protection.

As the number one sun cosmetics brand in Greece and with a philosophy of continuous improvement, Carroten has evolved its range of products to offer the most effective and natural tan in the safest way.

What makes Carroten so unique?

It is the ability to combine the highest quality ingredients and advanced formulas with summer scents and silky-smooth textures to deliver a deep, radiant tan whilst hydrating and nourishing the skin.

From protection to tanning, both in and out of the water, to revitalising and anti-aging action to sensitive skin and after care – there is a product to satisfy the needs of every skin type.

A summer essential, Carroten is all about having fun in the sun. And for those who are familiar with the brand, it evokes feelings of nostalgia and reminds everyone of good times and special summer moments.

The European glow is here.

Live your summer with Carroten.

Visit us at Carroten Australia Website.